David Little Elk is a Spiritual Advisor and Consultant. He gives seminars on Lakota Spirituality, and has written a Lakota Spirituality & Culture book titled "WICOH'AN OTEHIKE - the difficult way". This book contains an account of Lakota Creation and also includes Lakota Star Knowledge stories, as well as other information that provides the foundation for Lakota Spirituality, Wisdom, Thought & Philosophy. This book is used by other Lakota Language & Culture teachers in many other tribal schools and universities. He is a member of the Cheyenne River Lakota Sioux Tribe in South Dakota, USA, and is a certified Lakota Language & Culture Teacher.
The collection of writings in this book "WICOH'AN OTEHIKE" was originally written for his family. However, upon becoming a Lakota Language & Culture teacher, his students became like a part of his extended family. Thus, he began to share these teachings with his students, as well. "WICOH'AN OTEHIKE" has resulted into something akin to a doorway leading to home for many people.
The Lakol Wicoh'an (our beautiful way of life) develops contentedness by the taking care of one's total self: heart, mind, body & soul. The Lakol Wicoh'an is also about living an active life and surviving, in a healthy manner. "Lakol Wicoh'an kin lila waste na lila tewahila, k'eyas le wicoh'an kin lila otehike." This means, "The Lakota Ways are very beautiful and I really love them; however, these ways are difficult." The reason for this is because the Lakol Wicoh'an is the key to existence. Hence, the title of this book, "WICOH'AN OTEHIKE", which means "the difficult path".
Some of the topics of this book include: The Complete Version of the Lakota Creation Story, Lakota Star Knowledge Stories and Prophecies, Lakota Ceremonies, The Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe, Dreams & Visions, The Soul Journey, Lakota Parenting, Lakota Virtues, the Four Ages, The Four Hardships, The Four Emotions, Medicine Wheels, The Roles Of Eagles - Bears - Elks in Lakota Spirituality, Mother Earth Cleansing, Warrior Societies, Plants and Sounds, Tiospaye (The Lakota Family System), The Rites of Passage, The Cycles of Women & Men, Courting, Love, Intimacy, Relationships, Marriage, Medicine People, Holy People, and many, many, many other topics.
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